Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023Liked by d.w.

I have never seen a Fast and/or Furious but enjoy the discourse (via the How Did This Get Made podcast). Do you have a recommended viewing order or suggestions which to skip? No, you don't, because it's also new to you! I will go back and get your thoughts.

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I've heard that they didn't really crack the formula until perhaps the fourth or fifth movie.

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I just re-watched all of the Indiana Jones movies and - surprisingly - found Shia LeBeouf less grating than I did the first time round. Perhaps my disdain was tempered by the knowledge of whom had replaced him, bringing with it the sad realisation that things never get better, only much much worse. So yes, I was saddened to hear that he had stepped on a macguffin in Vietnam and had blown himself up....for this had directly resulted in the entrance of PWB by stage right through the smoke of a smug cloud machine.

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That's a fair take on Indy 5 if you didn't mind Shia so much. As a cartoonist I feel duty-bound to dislike him even when he's acting well. It sounds like perhaps you liked Crystal Skull better than Dial of Destiny, would you say?

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I haven't seen it yet, everyone says meh! but your fair review means I might give it a chance...I will let you know what I think

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This is encouraging me to see the Indiana Jones movie, might have to do it.

Also, I remember seeing the first 2 FF movies in theaters. Then not caring about it for a very long time. But now, I enjoy them for the sheer audacity and movie going experience. It has gone beyond jumping the shark to something that people genuinely enjoy or enjoy to poke fun at. It's uniting everyone. IT'S ABOUT FAMILY.

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Let me know if you do see it and what you think!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by d.w.

Great review of the Indiana Jones movie. You echo my opinions after seeing it.

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That's great to hear!

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